Texas Historical Marker: no
- Primary Town: Georgetown
- Secondary Town(s): none
- Cemetery Relocated to: no relocation
Historic Texas Cemetery Designation: no
- Williamson County Clerk Instrument Number: unknown
- Williamson Central Appraisal District Property ID: unknown
WCHC’s Vol III, pg 139: Per B.L. & Eliza Ann (Murray) Sawyer 1972…”This family cemetery is located W of Georgetown. From the intersection of IH 35 & Hwy 29 in W Georgetown, drive six miles, turn into gate at that point on the N side of the road, & travel N and NE 3 miles on a winding ranch road to the site near the Middle [2016 is North Fork) San Gabriel River [NOTE: no mention in Corps of Engineers that this cemetery was moved due to Lake Georgetown]. Eliza Ann, daughter of Thomas S. Murray, said she remembered that her father made the tombstones for his mother & daughter.”
2016: based on these directions, the cemetery would be located in Sawyer Park at Lake Georgetown. The point to turn off Hwy 29 is now the Cimarron Hills subdivision. W IH35, N Hwy 29, S Lake Georgetown, on bank of Middle Fork San Gabriel River.
Location is Approximate (1999 Map Information): yes (1999 mapped D4) OK 9/9
Latitude: 30.67580000
Longitude: -97.77350000