Cemeteries on Map


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Texas Historical Marker: no

  • Primary Town: Jonah
  • Secondary Town(s): Georgetown
  • Cemetery Relocated to: no relocation

Historic Texas Cemetery Designation: no

  • Williamson County Clerk Instrument Number: 185902436
  • Williamson Central Appraisal District Property ID: R040446 & R040472


WCHC’s Vol I, pg 299 Per Clara Stearns Scarbrough (great granddaughter of Luther Stearns, Sr.) 1975… ”Small, early cemetery located on the farm purchased by Luther Stearns, Sr., April 25, 1850. Located between Circleville & Jonah, S of Hwy 29 on Jim Byers farm (1975), 2.3 mi E of Mileham Creek bridge at Jonah or 4.4 mi W of Hwys 95 & 29 intersection at Circleville. The graves are about 150 yards S of the highway, & were W of the story and a half log home which stood on a rise in the land. Burial plot in the lower flat a short distance W of the rise, & W or SW of a tree growing there in 1975. The graves were marked with stones & enlcosed by a fence until sometime after about 1920, after which fence & stones disappeared. Luther Stearns, Sr. is known to be buried in the plot. There were several other burials there, probably 3 of his children who came with him to Texas in 1848.”

NE CR 101, S Hwy 29, E FM 1660, W CR 366, on N bank of San Gabriel River.

Location is Approximate (1999 Map Information): yes (1999 mapped G4) OK 9/26

Latitude: 30.63696800
Longitude: -97.50942200

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