Joyce M. Corbin Gravesite
Joyce M. Corbin Gravesite
Texas Historical Marker: no
- Primary Town: Cedar Park
- Secondary Town(s): none
- Cemetery Relocated to: no relocation
Historic Texas Cemetery Designation: no
- Williamson County Clerk Instrument Number: unknown
- Williamson Central Appraisal District Property ID: R322459
Joyce M. Corbin Gravesite WCAD R322459 map
Joyce Corbin gravesite location at Coreslab in 2019 Google EARTH
Mapped per THC coordinates.
Find-A-Grave per John Christeson & Linda Lipuma 2010: “From US 183 in Cedar Park turn left or W on RR 1431 [W. Whitestone Blvd] to the junction with Lime Creek Road [Anderson Mill Road]. Turn left or S on Lime Creek Rd [Anderson Mill Road] & turn left or E on the fourth driveway as shown in the cemetery photo. Drive up the hill & circle toward the left until you see a splinted tree truck surrounded by brush. The gravesite is in the brush.”
Location is Approximate (1999 Map Information): OK 9/22
Latitude: 30.50525002
Longitude: -97.85497219