Cemeteries on Map


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aka Harrison


Texas Historical Marker: no

  • Primary Town: Schwertner
  • Secondary Town(s): Bartlett
  • Cemetery Relocated to: no relocation

Historic Texas Cemetery Designation: no

  • Williamson County Clerk Instrument Number: unknown
  • Williamson Central Appraisal District Property ID: R008341
Anderson (aka Harrison) AND Donahue WCAD R008341 Map with Coordinates

Anderson (aka Harrison) AND Donahue WCAD R008341 Map with Coordinates

Anderson (aka Harrison) AND Donahue WCAD R008341 Map

Anderson (aka Harrison) AND Donahue WCAD R008341 Map


2019 WCAD:  Possible access to R008341:  4200 FM 487 across from Eugene Schwertner Farms ‘Coffield’ gate.

WCHC’s Vol I, pg 109 per Martha Schrock 1974 referring to Harrison Cemetery…”2 mi W of Schwertner.”

Per Historical Marker for Daniel Harrison located in Corn Hill Cemetery “…originally buried in Anderson Cemetery, Daniel & Nancy were later reinterred in Corn Hill Cemetery.”

Per Historical Narrative by Mary Harrison Hodge & Bob Brinkman “…Daniel was buried in the Anderson Cemetery near Donahoe Creek….in the 1970’s, based on information that Donahoe Creek was to be dammed & the Anderson Cemetery land would be flooded, descendant Frederick Marion Harrison moved Daniel’s & Nancy’s remains to the Corn Hill Cemetery. In the end Donahoe Creek was not dammed, & other relatives remain buried at Anderson Cemetery.”¹

¹Mary Harrison Hodge, Daniel Harrison: A Williamson County, Texas Pioneer, 1997 (available at the Round Rock Public Library genealogical collection) & History compiled by Mary Harrison Hodge, Salado, Texas, and Bob Brinkman, Austin, Texas, January 1, 2007.

Location is Approximate (1999 Map Information): (1999 mapped G1) OK 10/12

Latitude: 30.82614664
Longitude: -97.54221591

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